What is dengue fever?

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What is dengue fever? Sticky

What is dengue fever?

What is Dengue Fever? Dengue fever is a viral disease that is transmitted by mosquitoes and can cause fever, headache, pain behind the eyes, joint and muscle pain, nausea, vomiting and rash. It is also known as “break-bone fever” because…

All You Need to Know about Hernia

All You Need to Know about Hernia

What is a Hernia? A hernia occurs when an internal organ or other body part extends through the wall of muscle or tissue that normally contains it. The most common hernia occurs within the abdominal cavity, between the chest and…

All You Need To Know About Cochlear Implant

All You Need To Know About Cochlear Implant

Are you or a loved one facing challenges with hearing loss? In today’s world communication is the important key, experiencing difficulty in hearing can impact one’s quality of life. Fortunately, advancements in the field of medical, technology have opened the…

Understanding Oral Cancers

Understanding Oral Cancers

Oral cancers, while overshadowed by other types of cancer, are a significant health concern. Dr Rakesh Katna, a consultant oncosurgeon at Lilavati Hospital, Bombay Hospital and Jaslok Hospital, says, “Raising awareness of risk factors, symptoms and prevention strategies is essential…

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