All You Need to Know about Hernia

All You Need to Know about Hernia

What is a Hernia? A hernia occurs when an internal organ or other body part extends through the wall of muscle or tissue that normally contains it. The most common hernia occurs within the abdominal cavity, between the chest and hips. There are several types of hernias, including inguinal (inner groin), femoral (outer groin), umbilical […]

Journey From Silence to Sound: The Evolution of Cochlear Implants

Journey From Silence to Sound: The Evolution of Cochlear Implants

Introduction: Imagine you are waking up every morning to a world of a variety of sounds. No chirping of birds in the morning no traffic sound outside your window and no voice to be involved in a conversation. For many people in the world living with severe hearing loss, this isn’t a preventable situation but […]

All You Need To Know About Cochlear Implant

All You Need To Know About Cochlear Implant

Are you or a loved one facing challenges with hearing loss? In today’s world communication is the important key, experiencing difficulty in hearing can impact one’s quality of life. Fortunately, advancements in the field of medical, technology have opened the opportunity for people who have problems in hearing with a Cochlear Implant. Let’s take a […]

Giving hope: Head and neck cancer early detection and comprehensive care

Giving hope: Head and neck cancer early detection and comprehensive care

Head and neck cancers are one of the most debilitating diseases physically, functionally, as well as psychologically. The cosmetic and the functional consequences leave a long-lasting toll on a patient’s general health. So, it necessitates the need for early detection and screening, enabling management at an early stage.  Head and neck cancers include cancers of […]

Understanding Oral Cancers

Understanding Oral Cancers

Oral cancers, while overshadowed by other types of cancer, are a significant health concern. Dr Rakesh Katna, a consultant oncosurgeon at Lilavati Hospital, Bombay Hospital and Jaslok Hospital, says, “Raising awareness of risk factors, symptoms and prevention strategies is essential to encourage regular screenings and early detection.” Who Is at risk?  Tobacco: Smoking cigarettes, cigars, […]

Don’t Let Osteoporosis Take Over Your Life

Don’t Let Osteoporosis Take Over Your Life

Dr Udaybhan Mourya, an orthopedic surgeon in Thane, is a known name in the field of orthopedic surgery and practices at Tieten Medicity in Thane. He answers questions about osteoporosis and more. What is osteoporosis and how does it affect individuals’ lives?  Osteoporosis is a common, but often misunderstood condition that weakens bones, making them […]

What is hernia and how best to treat it?

What is hernia and how best to treat it?

Hernia is an abnormal protrusion of an organ through any defect in the abdominal wall. Although most common in elderly men, it can present in men and women of all age groups. Dr Pradeep Tripathi of Tieten Medicity says, “Broadly, hernias are divided into internal and external hernias. Internal hernias occur inside the body cavity […]

Little Minds, Big Calm: Simple Techniques for Kids for Relieving Anxiety

Little Minds, Big Calm: Simple Techniques for Kids for Relieving Anxiety

Even in children, anxiety is a normal aspect of life. While a certain amount of anxiety is normal, too much stress and worry can be harmful to a child’s health. It is critical for us as parents, guardians, and educators to identify the warning signs of anxiety in children and to help them deal with […]

Beyond Checkups: How Pediatricians Shape Smiles and Well-being in Kids

Beyond Checkups: How Pediatricians Shape Smiles and Well-being in Kids

In a society where the welfare of children is of utmost importance, pediatricians stand out as the unsung heroes who work nonstop to guarantee the happiness and health of our future generation. Guiding Growth and Development: Pediatricians are essential in directing children’s development, both mentally and physically. These medical specialists keep an eye on developmental […]

Battling Cancer – Transforming Pain into Strength with Chemotherapy at Tieten Medicity Super Speciality Hospital

Battling Cancer – Transforming Pain into Strength with Chemotherapy at Tieten Medicity Super Speciality Hospital

Overview Battling cancer is definitely a difficult path that requires courage, fortitude, and an unwavering determination to succeed. Chemotherapy proves to be an effective partner in the fight against cancer along this challenging journey. Renowned for its dedication to contemporary healthcare, Tieten Medicity Hospital is at the forefront of cancer treatment innovation. In the following […]

Restore Your Smile with the Best Oral Cancer Treatment at Tieten Medicity hospital

Restore Your Smile with the Best Oral Cancer Treatment at Tieten Medicity hospital

Overview A captivating smile is often considered a universal language, capable of expressing joy, warmth, and connection. However, when confronted with the formidable challenge of oral cancer, the journey towards recovery becomes a complex and demanding endeavor. Tieten Medicity Hospital, in such instances, emerges as a beacon of hope, offering a level of oral cancer […]

Why Choose Tieten Medicity Hospital to Treat All Your Heart Problems?

Why Choose Tieten Medicity Hospital to Treat All Your Heart Problems?

Overview: A Symphony of Compassion and Innovation at Tieten Medicity Hospital Welcome to Tieten Medicity Hospital, a distinguished organization where the fusion of compassionate care and state-of-the-art technology establishes a haven for heart health. Choosing the right hospital for your cardiac care is a crucial decision that demands careful thought. Tieten Medicity is recognized as […]

What is dengue fever?

What is dengue fever?

What is Dengue Fever? Dengue fever is a viral disease that is transmitted by mosquitoes and can cause fever, headache, pain behind the eyes, joint and muscle pain, nausea, vomiting and rash. It is also known as “break-bone fever” because of the severe joint and muscle pain it causes. It is a mosquito-borne tropical disease […]

What is Headache, Types of Headache, Causes & Diagnosis

What is Headache, Types of Headache, Causes & Diagnosis

What is Headache? Headache is a pain in the head or neck, typically on one side. Headaches are usually caused by stress, hunger, lack of sleep, dehydration, or sinus problems. The pain in the head is a neurological symptom that is usually caused by an irritation or inflammation of the nerves, blood vessels, and muscles. […]

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